there is a list that continues to grow, but i must say if i were to rank small gifts i am thankful for, having 22 hours of alone time with adam would be way up there. my generous parents came to love on the munchkins while adam and i escaped to a nearby town for 1 day and 1 night. it was the first time i have ever been away from the kids (except for when i was on bedrest in the hospital with graham). what a treat to have 3 meals without interruption, to walk and hold hands, to talk and talk and talk, to sleep for 10 (!!!!) hours in a row. such a blessing. our camera died by the end of the morning, but we caught a few shots. though i really missed the kiddos, i found it a little challenging to settle back into the regular routine. i'm so thankful for grace for that too.

of course my parents like to help out with projects when they come. here are the little people trying to help adam and dad out with the drain.

*"your steadfast love is good"
*fresh, new baby teeth
*warm house
* down bedding
*sloppy toddler kisses
*warmer afternoons
*spare keys
*kind neighbors
*pot roast
*toddler learning obedience
*the pudgiest hands
*old friends walking with Jesus
*new friend encouragement
* spring-like weather in January
*toes thawed
*8 hrs sleep!
* faithful father
*hardworking husband
*knees that can run
*knees that can kneel
*everything we need "for life and Godliness"
*hearing the word preached mid-week
*husband getting good sleep during the day despite cheerful, noisy children
*family-time weekend
*missionaries/dear friends
*tottery independent steps
*toddler knees
*finding joy in the mundane because of Jesus and His joyful work
*warm air before the storm
*being "made in His image" and my neighbors being so too
*time alone with husband
*generous parents to care lovingly for children
*husband working with his hands