it has been lovely week, really. on sunday night we got the 2nd snowfall of the year...such a rarity in the south. this time it melted and refroze as treacherous ice for a few days so we've been home-bound much of the week. the kids have really missed playing outside and i've missed running, but the snow was beautiful

we are officially done hibernating for the sake of keeping miles well so we finally went back to church as a family this week. marit especially missed her little 3 year old class. we have been alternating services so we haven't missed church ourselves, but it was so good to be there least until we catch our first cold! i must say, it was nice to be snot-free for the first part of winter.

hot chocolate time!

graham moved up to a twin bed this week...i have been putting it off, but he has climbed and fallen out of the crib twice and i know someone whose toddler broke their leg doing that. he has done better than i expected with his new freedom. he still takes great afternoon naps, though at night he often needs a few reminders to stay in his bed. next transition is potty-training...not ready for that one yet!

"helping" clean the table

kitchen buddy

a lot of inside play this week

aaaand the absolute best part of the week and probably the month is that these two love birds got engaged (charlotte always wanted this to happen in the snow...lucky for jeremiah, we actually got some this year)! my sweet sister char moved here to be near us when graham was born and she met jeremiah while she was here...she moved to new york, he was deployed to afghanistan, and they have lived in the same city again for the past several months. it has been such a privelege to watch their relationship develop and we could not be more thrilled to welcome jeremiah into the family. we are expecting a summer wedding...sometime when abe and bethany can visit from india and before kelly has baby # 3. this is kind of a bad picture...blurry, but you can see how lovestruck char is...just after the proposal!

finally, today is miles' 3-month birthday. he is physically a little slow (like the other two were...did not walk until 16 months!)...not even close to rolling over or anything, but he does smile and laugh and loves to be carried around or to sit so he can see the action. he has been sleeping well at night for a while now...eats before we go to bed and then again between 5 and 8 am. he is settling into a more regular napping routine during the day as well. he is such a sweetie pie and if we saved a nickel for every hug and/or kiss graham gives him, we could probably go ahead and pay for his college tuition. he is well-loved indeed. we are sooo thankful!