i've been home from the hospital since tuesday afternoon. after 10 days of being confined to one very blue room, home is a delightful place to be. adam tells me that marit is noticeably more pleasant to be around as well...now that her little life is back to normal. she has been so happy lately and is even eating and sleeping better since i've returned. what a blessing she is in our lives! i've included some images from home. charlotte came over to watch a movie with me yesterday. it's so fun to have a sister across the street!
graham is now 36 weeks and 3 days old, so it is pretty safe for him to enter the world whenever he is ready. i've been 5cm dilated and 80% effaced for about 10 days now and we joke that i may still make it to 40 weeks. either way, we have a good shot at making it to term now and for that we are thankful. i'm still on "modified bed rest" in hopes that i will make it to next week and adam has been very good about reminding me to lay down, stop nesting, stop cleaning, stop playing. i am just so thrilled to be here, that it's hard to hold still! we praise God for his faithfulness over the course of our lives, but it has been especially evident over the last two weeks. He holds graham's sweet little life in His loving hands.
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