poor adam had to work, but here are a couple shots of our visit to his parent's house without him. we had a wonderful Easter service at church and i was able to sing in the choir with my beautiful sister auntie char helping me with munchkins 1 and 2. praise Jesus for dying and rising that we might know Him and live lives that glorify Him, thus fulfilling the purpose for which we were created.
marit loved her fancy dress (a gift from a sweet friend for her birthday that finally fits her-she's petite), her bunny ears that she shared with graham, her own personal egg hunt, and grandpa's yummy ham and bunny cake.
That cake is adorable Ellen! Marit looks cute too and Graham with his bunny ears. Just an FYI (that I'm sure you've figured out) those smocked dresses (most all of them) run VERY big - Both Ashtyn and Jada wear small sizes in them as well. So cute! Charlotte looks so cute in her brown polka-dot dress :)
ok I think I used the word cute one too many times!
eww. I think I need to stop eating bunny cake and train for my race on Saturday. that dress is not fitting so well anymore :).
I had a great time with you guys this Easter--thanks for letting me participate in all the cuteness.
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