5/12/2009 In preparation for our 5 yr (!!!) anniversary:
"As you gave the ring to one another and have now received it a second time from above, from God. As high as God is above man, so high are the sanctity, the rights, and the promise of love. It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love." bonhoffer
Happy anniversary dear Adam! i love you so much more today than I did May 15, 2004. I loved you then, but that love had not yet been tried and tested. I am thankful that God is such a good covenant-keeper and that marriage has a much higher calling than simply merging two lives. There is meaning and value in covenant-keeping, in cultivating love, in displaying the grace and beauty that is there between Christ and the church. Oh my! Thank you for your grace and gentleness with me...for confronting my ugly sin with love and care so that we might be restored to unity. Let us always seek the goal of oneness and unity as we are emotionally, physically, mentally stretched with life's various happenings. What a joy it is to parent with you! It is no piece of cake though and sometimes it is downright exhausting. Graham is nearly 7 months, Marit 22 months, you are about to start residency, we are buying our first house, and we have been married 5 years!! Life just moves along! It is crazy at times, so let us continually resolve to allow Christ to work in our hearts, to sanctify us, to work grace in us that we might be gracious with one another. Let us lay aside criticism and move toward each other in love every day. I love you much dear Adam. Here's to at least 50 more years!
from our wedding


orange hat
on our anniversary after the kids were in bed
and thank you friends and family who have offered encouragement, babysitting, love, and general support to help us nurture our marriage. you bless us.
Congratulations again! wow..what big things ya'll have going on lately! I love that you put wedding pics up too..I love seeing people's wedding pictures, looks like it was beautiful!
may God give you many more years to come as you put aside self, and serve oneanother...
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