marit is a delight to us and we thank God for her sweet life.
it was hard to pick the right photos for this post because we have SO many of her beautiful blue eyes, pink cheeks, and blond hair.

she is now speaking in sentences mostly and loves to play outside. soon we will begin potty-training and pacifier untraining.
she loves little graham and gives him kisses and tries to make him laugh whenever possible.
i can hardly believe two years is here already.
she is truly a snuggle bug so we call her "snuggles."
one of the sweetest things about this stage is marit learning to care for others. though sometimes it is just a stalling technique, marit loves to pray for all the friends and family she can think of and sometimes that includes her bear, bunny, and doll. she loves to pray and if we forget she does not hesitate to remind us. our prayer for her is that she would know Jesus and the love and joy that are found in Him before she knows success, health, happiness...as those things do fade.
beautifully said and SO hard to believe that she is 2! I still remember holding her tiny, newborn body and watching ya'll figure out the baby thing :) She's so adorable, Happy Birthday Mar-Mar!
Happy Birthday, pretty girl!
Love the sweet photos. Happy Birthday, Marit! We love you and are thankful God is drawing you to himself!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARABIT! from your remiss and missing aunt (who misses you).
I have that present (which, I'd like to point out, I bought well in advance, but it somehow got lost in moving) for her somewhere. We might have to have a second birthday party for her when I come visit.
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