i blog?
it's ok if you don't care. i do it mostly to slow down-to remember what is happening all around me in such rapid ways. i want to remember God's faithfulness and provision. i want to remember when my kids say and do the silliest and cutest things.
i link blog to facebook?
because i figure maybe one of my many friends who do not know the Lord will stumble upon it and can maybe see a little through our lives that He is good and that He cares for people individually and tenderly. maybe they can see that we have very real failures and flaws, but that God's love is unchanged...they too can be so secured by Christ. no one has to read it, but it is there nonetheless.
my homeschooling post (which was really just a plead for mommies to be gracious to one another and brought back all kinds of homeschooling memories) received very unhelpful and hateful comments from a random friend of a friend. i quickly deleted them, but the damage had been done. of course he would misunderstand because he does not know me or my family. it made me wonder if linking to facebook was such a good idea. i did put some better filters on my profile. my blog is public, so anyone can read it. i don't write to get in arguments with commenters and such. have you ever watched a youtube video and noticed all the CRAZY and sometimes foul comments? seriously, i do not have time for that craziness. of course thoughtful debate or encouragment are entirely different.
i don't know.
in slowing down, i should note that i had a lovely birthday with many greetings, phone calls, hugs, and gifts. i feel loved...all 27 years of me! thank you (you know who you are). adam had the last 2 years of my blog printed in a book which is such a thoughtful gift i think. since most of my blog is happenings and pictures, it will be a sweet hard copy of many memories. it has not yet arrived, but if i like it we may do one every couple years. adam had the day off so that was really fun (even if just to have help changing diapers!), though he did sneak a nap in and marit enjoyed watching over him.
and he surpised this shoe-loving woman with these...SWEET!
Happy birthday again! That was a sweet gift - did he use Blurb? I've been thinking about doing that, since I don't scrapbook. And I don't write in the children's journals as often as I should.
he used blog2print. he said it was not super easy to select certain posts to include or not. if i do it again, i think i would want to select the more family happenings posts if you know what i mean...i'll show it to you when it comes:)
I loved your homeschool post- thank you for being honest and gracious- If we miss grace, we miss the Gospel. Love you!
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