it is the third post of the day and i am attempting to update this thing. we haven't been unusually busy or anything, i really just got out of the blogging habit. we did not travel at all this Christmas due to a family funeral and just general exhaustion. though things for adam's family have definitely changed with the loss of his grandmother, we still enjoyed a quiet Christmas eve with his parents who live nearby. one of our favorites was our dear church's family Christmas eve service with candels, carols, worship to set our hearts right for our celebration. we made pancakes Christmas morning, enjoyed each other, sang songs, read the nativity story from the
Jesus Story Book Bible (can't recommend this little Bible enough!) and exchanged a few gifts with one another. it was a long quiet day and maybe the most restful Christmas i remember as we usually travel or have gazillions(we do enjoy that too) of family around. adam had the week off and we relished it as a couple and as a family. new years week was a doozy 123 hr work week for sweet dr honey bunny so i just generally felt frazzled and tired (as did he).
in the midst of it all, adam's car acquired a problem we could not afford to fix so we welcomed a bike to our family as adam's transportation. somehow bike-commuting is so attractive to me...resourceful, keeps him fit(he does not have time for other exercise these days), low carbon-footprint (don't laugh...i really am a hippie even if i don't cloth-diaper), and economical. it makes sense for us and we have to save our $ to fix the ac in our subaru come summer. summer heat in the south is no joke! look how handsome he is! it has been frigid here lately so he bundles up.

marit is growing so much in her conversation ability. she truly has become my little companion and comments on nearly everything "whatcha doin' mommy?" "graham, ask kindly!" "can we read peter rabbit?" "daddy's at work? poor daddy.". she is sweet, snuggly, and LOVES to read books with me lately. above she is reading with two of her favorites: uncle abe and grandma. we are forever working a lot on sharing with graham and general kindness to others.

graham has mostly dropped his morning nap. he knows a few more words...loves his "b b BATH!" and he is so close to walking, but just cautious about it. he loves to be chased and to throw and catch balls of any shape or size.

as the new year and the new decade (!!!) have arrived i have thought about this year and what it might hold. i think in my personal, spiritual life i want it to be a year of remembering...remembering that His strength is made perfect in my weakness...remembering who i am in Christ and clinging to that identity...remembering His great sacrifice for me, that radical love He has lavished on me. i want to spend more time remembering and less time dwelling on my insecurities, worrying about the future, comparing myself to others, and feeling sorry for myself when things are tough on occasion. i don't do resolutions, but i do like the concept of a fresh year. 10 years ago i was a junior in high school with aspirations of being a medical missionary in africa and saving the world. i forgot that Jesus already saved the world. i need to remember that and the privilege He has given us of being part of His redemptive work in Africa and in our own families.