check out this serious bed-head. can you also tell how exquisitely blue her eyes are? she looks so much like my handsome husband. she really has a mullet (is that just how hair grows naturally?), but we are so thankful she has hair...still no haircut.
the picture in the background was painted by my mom. marit has just started to love painting just like her grandma. let me know if you would like a masterpiece. she can make about 10 an hour. i love to watch her paint!
graham is feeling better today. 3 days of 102-104 fever and his lateral teeth just poking through made for a rough few days. sweet husband has been on an unusual schedule (working a lot of nights). sick kid plus less husband has helped me realize that i might should wait before dreaming about getting pregnant with #3. several of my friends are pregnant again and graham is almost a toddler and Bible study started back with several fresh and beautiful babies...we will have more before long. just not quite yet. i know God will fill our quiver as only He knows our good and best.
we have this sweet little book that marit LOVES (even though it is missing quite a few pages). it teaches me too as it has a proverbs 31 theme...i want to be this woman:
the heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of grain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life. prov 31:11-12
poor pax got neutered this week and he is recovering well. they said as we loaded him into the car, "oh, he is so gentle!" don't all dogs get gentle when they are anesthetized? he really is turning out to be quite a wonderful dog though (minus the digging pointless holes in the back yard and occasional gnawing on random household objects. he goes through a BUNCH of raw hide bones. i take him running with me every once in a while and he does so well. in another month or so, his bones will be formed enough for him to do that more regularly.
so glad graham is feeling better..and those teeth are no fun for anyone! do you think your mom could paint my house looking at a photo? i still need to bring you that paint picture. missed you this am!
LL has a mullet too. Once it gets a little longer, it's less mullet-looking and more layers-looking. ;)
Missed you too this morning! Be encouraged that we are more than half way through the intern year:) Let's hang out soon!
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