grumpy face
they do many things in tandem lately
would probably never hurt anyone, but he makes me feel safer on call nights anyway as he sleeps by the front door
they have so loved helping plant and water a few things this spring-gladioli bulbs in the background
backyard play
we finally planted some tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, strawberries (you can only see tomatoes here)
Easter Sunday-cranky girl with a wrinkled dress, but church was wonderful (minus tantrum) and we did enjoy the evening with adam's parents and fed the ducks (the day got better)
pretty pear tree that has since finished blooming with the bird-feeder we watch everyday for doves, robins, finches, sparrows, cardinals
last week was spring break in our little town and adam started his icu rotation. it was a tough week for me as sweet husband is SO busy and zombie when he is home from all the over-night calls and the fact that our kids weren't sleeping especially well. molars take FOREVER to finish erupting, poor graham. adam's cheerfulness amidst exhaustion never ceases to humble me though. many of my friends (i am so thankful for such dear ones!) were out of town or spending time with husbands and so it was a pretty lonely week. graham has been throwing some major tantrums (can it really be starting already?!) and both little people just have a hard time when daddy is gone a lot. marit threw an all-out tantrum on Easter Sunday in our church yard while graham was flailing in my arms and i was trying to get them both to the car. that was our first public scream-fest and i am glad it was in front of our dear, grace-offering church family and not people i don't know...though it was still a little embarrassing. i just struggle when i am doing most parenting by myself for a season to discern when to discipline, when to offer grace. adam is such a helpful sounding board and wise parent and i have really missed conversations that don't quickly put him to sleep. BUT the Lord has been so gracious in using this short, short season to draw me to Himself more...that is really His mercy...causing my heart to depend more on Him and His sustaining grace. adam is such a wonderful husband, but he cannot meet all my emotional needs even on easy months! two things He has used to encourage my heart this week:
-this album (on repeat on the ipod for much of last week). i know i mentioned it in my Easter post, but the song Abide With Me has really been sweet to me...
"I need Thy presence, every passing hour.
What but Thy grace, can foil the tempter's power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, abide with me."
-this book
of course we love tripp's first book-shepherding-as well. i read things very slowly lately, but this book has been so helpful in focusing my heart as i parent marit and we talk about everything under the sun...she is such a little sponge and oh how i want to teach her the things she needs to walk wisely, kindly, obediently, glorifyingly...i am so thankful for the Lord's work in her little heart. her salvation and sanctification are His work and not mine.
1 comment:
Thanks for your honesty Ellen. I prayed for your family this morning and hope your date with Adam was refreshing. I know that this year has been tough, but it is so good to hear your heart being drawn closer to the Lord. Thanks for encouraging my heart, it is so sweet to watch you love and care for your children so well.
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