early smiles
you look so much like daddy!
such a wonderful big sister!
you finally got hair!
marit is three today. she is growing up so fast! i wish i had a recording of all the silly conversations we have all day long. she is such a talker and has lots of questions about things. the other day at dinner she asked "sooo (she uses this teenagery way of introducing many of her questions) what makes you bleed?". we then talked about the blood vessels in the body leaking when something sharp broke the skin. the next day she was talking about it again and she pointed to her rear end and said "when you bleed, your bottom, it leaks." after all, what is the difference in body and bottom?
another day, she was preparing dinner in her little play-kitchen. she brought me a huge bowl of random wooden and plastic foods-you know steak, orange, cupcake-and said "here's dinner, mommy." to which i replied: "thank you so much! what is it?" she thought for a minute, made a serious face and said "just eat it, ok?"
she is growing in independence and in understanding and it is such a joy to see as well! her favorite Bible story to read is the straight up Gospel story of Jesus dying for the world. she often talks about his "booboos" and if asked why Jesus was wounded and killed, she will say something about "to take my booboos away!" it is precious. really. today she let me cradle her in my arms for a few minutes while she chattered and made faces at me and i was reminded of those early days when we had no idea what we were doing as parents (that is still the case on many days!). we are so thankful for her sweet life and for the lessons the Lord has taught us about our own sin and the unfathomable heavenly Father-love He has for us.
happy birthday sweetie pie... love you bunches!
Yes, Happy Birthday, Marit. We love you!
yes...i love the nursing picture! happy late bday marit!
I remember that cute little baby when we first saw her at the hospital - it's so fun to watch her grow into a beautiful little girl. Keep up the good work guys!
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