i want him to stay small and snuggly and straightforward, but he isn't. he is already 4 months old. seriously. every age has its challenges and joys, but i must say that i have just been soaking in the infant stage this time around. he is delightful. not perfect or anything...cries plenty and has needs, but the simplicity and innocence of a baby has been such a blessing to our household.
he has just a few skills and they include:rolling over from tummy to back and only to the left, smiling all the time-we call him "smiley miley", talking and cooing, laughing, sleeping through the night, eating pretty much every 2.5 hrs during the day, being generally adored by his older siblings and parents.
he just graduated from the bjorn to the ergo carrier and he looooves it and even catches some naps in there. his napping schedule is still a little confusing, but we are working on it. he loves to hold his giraffe when awake and his monkey when asleep. he is officially too strong to swaddle so now he sleeps in sleep-sacks. he barely shed a tear during his shots today thanks to his trusty pacifier and he has taken his first cold like a champ. he has still been enjoying the swing and bouncer, but likes to be in someone's lap best.
his stats are:
14.09 lb, 50%
25 inches, 60%
head circumference still 75%
oh my! we are so thankful for the gift that little miles is!
1 comment:
He and jennifer are almost the same size, but she's over twice his age! my bug is so tiny....
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