it has been one of these weeks:
poor marit has been down with a stomach bug since sunday evening. everyone is sleeping simultaneously (seriously a rare miracle!) so i thought i would update this thing-a-ma-jig. so far the rest of us have avoided it, but instead have this weird congestion. could the same virus cause all that? who knows. anyway, mar has been pretty pitiful...awake and miserable and wanting to 'hold you' or just sacked out in various places around the house. i think it is the first time we have really been sick (besides runny noses) since miles was born-read:this WHOLE winter, so i guess we are due. it is a new dynamic though when you have one needy, sad, babe sitting on the potty for the gazillionth time (or puking as the case may be), the clumsy two-year old screaming because he just fell and hit his large noggin on something again, and the wee one is also crying because he wants to nurse. i have seen more of my sin in the last few days just pressed out and it is not pretty. today has been much better, not because anything has changed...marit is still sick and graham is still rambunctious. the Lord has used friends sending sweet messages and adam and His word to remind me of how "poor and needy" i am of His sustaining grace. my heart has been softened, adam and i were able to work through some potential resentments while the kids watched kipper after dinner last night. that's the other thing, we watch hardly any tv (we just watch net-flix on our computer if we want to see something), but this is the kind of week that makes me thankful for cute little shows like kipper the dog available to watch instantly on net-flix. rainy, sick weeks. end of advertisement.
note:bandaid on forehead...we have actually had some sweet time together doing simple things like tossing a ball back and forth, as he is lonely without marit to entertain him
marit fell asleep watching kipper, while graham tells me about the different animals
caught just a few minutes of outside time while the rain cleared yesterday and marit crashed on the swing
1 comment:
glad to hear she is feeling better today. tell marit i really like her cupcake pjs!
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