we are hanging on for dear life over here during adam's cardiology rotation. been in the "trenches of motherhood" lately with lots of correcting/disciplining/instructing and i think a lot of times i see my sin reflected in my children. they just aren't quite as good at covering it up, but the same old discontentment, heart of ingratitude, inside complaining comes out in them too. we must "first self-parent" before we can give words of life to our little ones as someone wise said. if i snap a photo here and there and go back and remember it, i find that i am noticing everyday graces, cultivating a heart of thankfulness in the mundane...just a few from the last week or so:
pretending to be pregnant with twins, but oh how this picture makes me laugh

new tandem use for the rocking moose!

Popsicles (with cream in the middle!) and neighbors make me happy

loving this patch of color in our front bed right now

she asks to paint nearly every day
you are such a trooper Ellen! I love the title "Joy Makers" and it's encouraging to watch your determination to make joy out of what could be a joy-less season :) love you guys!
LOVE the pic of Graham pretending to be preggo with twins. Too FUNNY!
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