in two days, adam will begin his final year of residency. and though we have been fighting a little tiredness and frustration with the schedule for next year, i do not want to forget to be thankful that we are getting close to completing this phase. a couple weeks ago we attended the graduation dinner for the department of medicine and it was a sweet evening to remember what my sweet husband has accomplished thus far, by God's grace. we are thankful.
we enjoyed sitting with two interns and their sweet wives.

we are now in the looking for jobs phase as well. there are a lot of primary care jobs, but we are praying for clarity about where to serve...where adam's gifts will be utilized...and also a good fit for our family. somehow all our conversations are about this decision lately. join us in praying for this if you like!
we are praying! such a hardworking, gifted hubby you have! and you guys are such an encouragement!!
so many things to be thankful for! what a joy to watch you guys walk this road. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..." Prov. 3:5-6
So proud of BOTH of you! We will definitely be praying for wisdom and discernment for yall!
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