lots and lots of puzzles (one of graham's favorite, favorite activities)
this poor kid is having a hard time with his fourth tooth...been super cranky and clingy lately and i can see that tooth just about to erupt...
adam let marit pick out some flowers when they got her prescriptions...pink gerbers...is it any wonder she picked these? pink daisies to marit are the very definition of beauty.
only at the bidding of a precious daughter will a man so carefully color a picture of hello kitty
most of our "preschool" consists of lots and lots of reading, coloring, letters and such. here marit is telling graham what she remembers of beauty and the beast. i love this stage when their little brain memorizes things so easily and is so ready to repeat.
our "percussion section" during family worship (we are growing into a more consistent flow with fw)
we start many mornings before it is sweltering with a run at a nearby nature area and we observe all manner of creatures-great blue heron
marit is learning to set the table...these are her favorite placemats (again, is it a wonder?) from great grandma
graham loves to "walk" pax
these are sweet days for sure. of course the camera was not ready to catch the many, many chaotic moments when everyone is falling apart (including me) as that is part of "normal" life around here too. sanctifying work this mothering is. i am not patient nor am i always cheerful and thankful, but God is all the time working His Gospel into my heart more and more and often by the challenges i face as a weak, weak, weak mama! can i just confess my absolute inadequacy and His absolutely sufficient grace?
tomorrow miles and i are going on a road trip to hang with my sweet niece and nephew while my brother, sis-in-law, and 1 week old baby girl head to the funeral of kelly's sweet, sweet grandmother.
I love that you have family worship time! We've just tried starting that with our little family. Not being very musical, we play worship music after dinner, sing along, and have a family dance party.
This is totally irrelevant. But are you planning on homeschooling your little's? I've been thinking about it a lot recently (even though we have a while!) I've been contemplating the Lord's intention as the family as the main source of a child's upbringing and thinking about how schooling/education should play into that. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, both the positive and negative of your own experience,and if you plan on homeschooling, your vision for it. No hurry on an answer, but I would love your feedback!
“It is infinitely well worth the mother’s while to take some pains every day to secure, in the first place, that her children spend hours daily amongst rural and natural objects; and, in the second place, to infuse into them, or rather, to cherish in them, the love of investigation." -CM
Ellen - you're doing a beautiful job (whether you know it or not :) of implementing the wonders of nature into the kids lives...take advantage of these times, it gets so much harder to be intentional about when actual "school" begins...that Miles is looking so grown!
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