do you see this precious boy with big brown eyes and a dirt-streaked face?
he caught his first lizard yesterday all by himself. i heard him catch his breath and move very quickly behind the playhouse and then proudly walk out holding the lizard by his tail. unfortunately, squeamish mommy let him escape when we were trying to transfer to a creature keeper. "bye bye lizard, you can go back to your fambly." i have a stash of old plastic jars and containers for all the creatures they like to catch and just one rule: do not bring yard creatures into the house. usually their conscience is pricked and they let them go back to their "famblies" within the hour anyway. after graham's escapades yesterday there was this conversation:
adam: graham, that's a real milestone for a little boy!
graham (in his toughest voice): yeah! now i'm a lizard hunter!
marit took this one of us...isn't he so big?!
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