Monday, June 11, 2012

backyard summer days

it feels like time is just passing through my fingers...these sweet, tiring days with the kiddos, the changes in them, the things we are learning. we have tons of pictures and videos of things we keep trying to capture as it flies by and so i stop in here to try to notice a bit before tomorrow speeds by too.

our first try at onions. 

this week's rain has knocked down the last of the glads, so we may as well enjoy them inside

my little farmers

checking the tomatoes


we love backyard picnics.  on this particular evening adam was gone and the kids and i relaxed on the blanket and watched the clouds change shape until it was time to get ready for bed.  those kind of slow, happy moments minister to our souls.

graham caught this butterfly for marit and she held it for a good 5 minutes before it fluttered away

Lucy, the underwing moth catapillar marit found
 we looked it up, called papa about proper food-plants, and got instructions here
she was so fat that she pupated within a few days

after weeks of waiting and checking daily (and sometimes hourly), she emerged while adam and i were at residency graduation.  we released her the next day. 

this photo does not do it justice, but it was a beautiful double rainbow that graham spotted first and then we chased all over the neighborhood.  a moment of wonder at God's goodness and care in creation.

strong little monkey

dad, these are those lilies that you gave us a while ornate!

graham is pretty much passing marit in size now. 

1 comment:

Kevin and Tara said...

Love the garden Ellen!