I was moaning to a veteran homeschooler at church yesterday about my lack of excitement about starting school this year. I've always struggled a bit with impending change. adam was wise to encourage me not to speak so negatively about something I know in my heart I love and want to do, but just isn't really always easy or fun. that's ok...most of life isn't always easy and fun. anyway, my prayers have been those of pleading for joy and a good start to our year. have I mentioned that marit cried for 4 hours on our first day last year? I cried too. My attitude really affects how things go around here. I know this, so I prayed for God to work on my heart first. And he did! I'm so thankful that I woke up without the cloud of fear I have been feeling. On my run (oh joy...a grace to do that before we start)I found a beautiful dead emperor moth to use for our nature journal today...what a gift! and my veteran homeschool friend told me we should also go get donuts as a fun treat after school. so we did that too. it is a privilege to educate these sweet little people and i truly am thankful, even while we take it one year at a time and keep things pretty simple. just for funsies, here is our curriculum list:
saxon math
handwriting without tears
1st language lessons
classical conversations memory work
Bethany press nature readers
Vos Children's Bible
memoria press literature treasury (thanks lauren for the idea!)
story of the world
and probably many other little resources I have forgotten
my pre-k student is larger than my 1st grader |
we thought a balloon might keep miles busy |
handwriting |
"helping" organize the pencils |
donut happy (how many kale smoothies to counteract this?) |
school security |
first nature journal entry of the year |
semi-organized school cabinet (aren't those noonday cups cute? they smell a little strange to drink out of, but make great pencil/brush holders) |
emperor moth |
Praise Him! I'm so thankful that you woke without that cloud of dread...it is a sweet and beautiful journey! Blessings!!!
So sweet and hurray for a good start!! We are starting back again Monday...I have a lot of the same fears/worries - especially after ash told me she wishes she weren't homeschooled. Geez. :( grace for the moment...
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