we went to the pediatrician today and they refused to see us at first because of insurance changes that have occurred over the last couple months with me quitting my job and paying for cobra ($1000/month in case you were wondering) until residency insurance kicks in. adam and i were both pretty angry and frustrated that we pay this much every month and no one bothered to communicate with each other. benefits lady says it's blue cross's fault, bcbs says it's benefits lady, dr's office says sorry can't see you even though we have had a good relationship with you and your kids for 19 months! it took us going to the human resources office in person (they never answer the phone) and insisting that it be cleared up. thankfully, we were able to return to the dr and be seen! and neither one of us lost our temper (that never helps, though it is tempting at times). so here are the stats on the munchkins:
marit 19months
-one shot-cried as soon as she saw the nurse...
-24 lb 8oz putting her in the 25th percentile where she has been for a while
-height is 25th percentile as well
-head circumference still in the 95th percentile
-we had her lead level redrawn to see if it is increasing at all-check back to see if we will need to move or not...the saga continues
graham 4months
-2 shots and an oral vaccine-just a few tears
-15lb 6oz (!) putting him in the 75th percentile
-25 inches, again 75th percentile
-head circumference is also in the 95th-apparently both kids got the humongous hoover head
-everyone is healthy at the moment and for that we are thankful-we do not want to take God's grace on our lives for granted. He is good to us. He is good when things are hard too, but right now we are just thankful for good reports all around!
That's awesome Ellen! Such cute pictures. Good luck with the insurance. I'm so glad you're able to stay home and weren't rushing between lunch breaks to get to the doctor! Do you have to wait on the lead levels? or did they check it immediately? Praying for you all!
we should know the lead level by the end of the week. the insurance stuff is a pain, but i do not regret quitting my job one bit!
oh goodness Ellen, good for you guys for keeping your cool. doesn't sound like how I would have responded :) hard to believe Marit and Jada are only 2 lbs apart, way to go Marit! And WOW Graham is doing great(good job mama)!! Grow big boy grow...adorable kiddos!
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