happy valentine's! i know that this day is way commercialized and lovers are taken advantage of by sellers of expensive flowers and candies, but i don't care. i just want to take the opportunity to say a few things that i love and appreciate about my valentine of 7 years.
*i love that you have put up with me for so long already!
*i love that you know exactly how i like my coffee and you prepare it for me nearly every morning.
*i love that you are tenderhearted, but not sappy
*thank you for telling me so often how much you love me and what exactly about each outfit you like:)-you are so affirming and so i don't need to look to anyone else besides my spouse and Jesus for affirmation...this is a wonderfully freeing, securing thing indeed!
*i love the kind of strong, tender, careful, gentle, protective, and capable father you are
*i love your facial hair right now...not too lumber jackish or little boyish...it's just right
*thank you for thinking and saying that my post-partum body is beautiful to you
*thank you for always putting family first and not regretting or resenting it
*i love the revival that has occurred in your heart for Jesus
*i love talking with you long into the night...even though you've been falling asleep on me lately (we are somewhat deprived i suppose)
*i'm sorry i steal the covers pretty much every night
*i'm sorry i was so grumpy on tuesday, but
*thank you for confronting my sin and loving me in spite of it
*thank you for your selflessness
*i could say a gazillion more things, but i'll do that in person...love you honey bunny...er i mean lion of the jungle!!
oh, and i don't deserve you, but am so thankful that God in His extraordinary grace has seen fit to bless my life with you.
you've got yourself a good man Ellen and Adam has a glorious catch as well. We are glad God put the two of you together!
I love you two.
Living close to you has taught me much about the way a godly family should look. Adam loves you so well, and models Christ-like grace and truthfulness. And your submission to his love is sweet to watch. You're both being sanctified, and that is beautiful.
And from one beard snob to another: Adam's is juuuust right.
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