i am putting too much into this post, but it was a fairly eventful week. my sweet husband turned 30! we had a week of celebration, completed by our friend the swine flu. we seemed to get a mild case, but everyone (except me) had fevers and aches for several days. poor marit spent a lot of time like this:
on monday i surprised adam by having two of his best buds and their sweet wives over for dinner.
adam has not been able to spend time with these guys since residency started, so it was a real treat (have i told you that adam is a "love me with quality time" kind of person, which is great except for when he barely has time himself to brush his teeth, much less spend time with others...). sweet katie made a yummy cake!
all week i was compiling a list of my 30 favorite things about adam and i must say that though adam was thankful for the list that i put in our marriage journal, my heart too was softened and encouraged by the process...something about being actively thankful and loving changes the way we actually feel. more about thankfulness and my new endeavor to journal daily gratitudes later.
we went on a walk to the river to get the poor feverish kids out of the house and this adorable little thing came running out to us meowing.
i picked her up and she immediately started purring. she had obviously been abandoned, most likely due to the fact that she has some sort of leg injury that makes her limp. the vet said she probably would always limp. i was trying to find a home for her since we already have pax, but marit adores her...
here she is multi-tasking-holding kitten by neck and talking on the phone.
adam said "i don't know why we can't give her a try. i like her!" how could i refuse him this during his birthday week? so she is ours for now.
i feel like we are starting to have a farm in our urban dwelling, but i guess one dog and one cat isn't that many pets? adam and i both have bleeding hearts and i imagine our home in the future to resemble that of william Wilberforce with all kinds of injured and rescued animals...we have been calling her "flip" because the tip of one of her ears is flipped up permanently...she seems thankful and is just a little bit of brokenness in our home to remind us of God rescuing us (is that too cheesy? maybe, but i think it does honor God to care for His creation...as long as they don't become idols...another time, another post). sometimes i do wish people were as easy to rescue as animals are...
on friday, my parents came to babysit so adam and i could go to the avett brothers concert. we had so much fun, but were unprepared for the droves of screaming females who knew all the lyrics to every song. as usual, we forgot to get a picture of ourselves, but here is one from yesterday.
and graham with my mom...he likes her lap very much
in other exciting news, adam shared the Gospel with the crack dealers across the street...pray for us as we continue to have these conversations with our neighbors. of course we want the drugs out of our neighborhood, but we would really love it to be because these guys decide to love and serve Jesus instead of themselves and the easy money they make dealing drugs. it is truly discouraging to watch the addicts parade by every day as their lives are slowly destroyed...yet another reminder of the real broken world so much in need of the hope and freedom that can only be found in Christ.
1 comment:
Cute kitten! I like the pic of Marit holding her by the head while talking on the phone. Your hubby looks like he's lost some weight...and I don't think it's just the absence of beard.
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