happy first day of fall (you are right, tara, it is today not yesterday). in honor of me getting my days mixed up, i am updating the blog a day late for m and g's month day. yesterday they were 11 months and 26 months. whew, it really does fly by.
yesterday at dinner, marit burst out with "YO 'SUP!!" adam had been greeting her this way for a few days, but it completely caught us off guard and made for some good laughter. she has really enjoyed singing lately as well and her current favorite is Be Thou My Vision...she knows the whole first verse. she is finally back into her old napping rhythm after the disruption caused by operation pacifier untraining.
however, she is now going through a phase in which she is afraid of the potty. huh? why? she likes diapers...doesn't she know that big girl panties are so much more comfortable?
graham has been very mobile with his mode of locomotion we call the "slap and slide." he scoots around on his bottom and hands...making for a very strong upper body. he finally has two TEETH! they just poked their heads through the other day.
he has also started drinking a little cow's milk...i know he isn't a year old yet, but trust me, he is ready. and i am ready for him to consistently sleep through the night. we love this little fellow so much.
...marit and graham have been doing well with room-sharing lately...talking, fussing, singing to sleep together.
today, a tragic story has reminded me of the frailty of life, the gift that each day is, and the tremendous suffering some must endure. kiss your loved ones a few extra times today and pray for this sweet family...they are friends of friends and they know Jesus and oh how they need His comfort.
1 comment:
cuties!! had fun today :)
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