miles is 22lbs and 30 inches (both in the 50th percentile) while graham has shot up on the chart to 90th percentile for height and weight. when did that happen? he has passed marit in weight by a couple pounds and is maybe just an inch from passing her in height. people ask me all the time if they are twins because they are pretty much the same size. all three noggins continue to follow that 90th % curve (thanks to my wonderful, large-headed husband). miles had to get 4 shots and a finger stick. he didn't like it, but my compassionate and dramatic daughter shed more tears than he did just watching!
miles loves to pull up on me if i'm sitting on the floor and then cruise up to me and give me a big cuddle hug.
and then he tackles me. he is so sweet and snuggly. it's a good thing too, because he is into everything and getting molars, poor thing.
those pictures reminded me of graham in this fleece two years ago. slow down time!
graham is talking more and more and asking lots of questions and just being really cute lately. recent conversations:
me: "graham what are you thankful for today?"
g: *sigh* "my baaaaby brother. sweet darlin' "
graham likes to "take care of miles" in the stroller or the grocery cart. such a sweet big brother.
while using the potty g told me about someone we saw get pulled over by the police
"he just got arrested, mom. he broke the law. *shrug* so, he lost his privilege. *shrug with palms up* yeah, we always sin." got to love bathroom 3 yr old philosophizing.
marit is always chattering also. she is the family play-by-play commentator. she keeps asking me to make this soup my mom made for her when they visited. apparently it has "chicken, cheese, white beans, and repento beans." and then yesterday we walked outside and marit says "oh mommy! what a blustery day!"
oh my, these precious ones keep me laughing and they keep me praying, knowing i cannot love them well or even come close to parenting them faithfully in my own strength.
1 comment:
gah your family is the cutest. Love you guys.
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