saturday was adam's day off and we were so thankful to have a full day together as a family as he finished his first of four weeks of night float. so far, God has been so gracious to us in this rotation and we are thankful for His faithful provision. it was a chilly day, but we took a trip to a local working dairy that is open to the public with lots of fun attractions for the kids. they charge admission in hopes of soon opening their own pasteurization plant so they can sell fresh and local milk, cheese, and ICE CREAM! i can hardly wait for that. in the evening we visited our church's lake property with some friends. we were outside in creation all day and i must say, the kids were completely enthralled. it was such a lovely day all in all.
neato horsie tire swings

everyone loved the corn pit

milking demonstration

cooold hayride

incredible jumping pillow fun

we all took turns going down the huge tunnel slide

petting someone's thanksgiving dinner

feeding the goats popcorn

marit's favorite part. and also, the pony's name was "princess" and was very soft and pettable.
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