Tuesday, February 24, 2015

bird-watching.  sometimes i have trouble believing i have 4 children.

caught a fish!

pjs on the kitchen floor.  typical

this is for you char.  adam thinks my recent tie-die leggings from the consignment store are ridiculous, but i don't have insight any more and no sisterly fashion-consultant.

a quick cousin visit. twins!

squishy o and uncle tom.

check out how high those boys are climbing.  gracious.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

you don't rule your own life...

we have been sick lately ( i personally have not felt well since january!) with some sort of flu/snot/fever thing.  it has been cold too so we've laid low and have just enjoyed the slowness, not feeling particularly discouraged.  i read this yesterday though and it was such an encouragement to my heart that often wonders what i am supposed to be doing at any given moment or day. I am so grateful that Someone infinitely wiser than I is writing my story and enabling my feeble days with His grace:

"It's not wrong to think and think hard. It's not a sin to want to understand life. It's not bad to embark on a quest to know, but you better not be looking for peace of heart.  God created you with the ability to think and the desire for life to make sense. these traits were given to you so that you could come to know God and understand what he's communicated to you. But it is important to remember that rest is never to be found in trying to figure it all out, because you never will. There will always be mystery in your life. God will always surprise you with what he brings your way. You will always be confronted with the unplanned and the unexpected. All of this is because you don't rule your own life and you don't write your own story. And the One who does rule and write doesn't tell you everything about your life and his plan. No, he tells you the things you need to know to live as you were designed to live, and then he graces you with his presence and his power.

Because he controls the details of your life, he is always near; at any moment, you can reach out and touch him (see Acts 17:26-27). Rest is only ever found in trusting the One who has everything figured out for your good and his glory. Because he is wise, gracious, faithful, and powerful, he is worthy of your trust and is alone able to give your heart rest."

see psalm 139

from Paul Tripp's New Morning Mercies

Friday, February 6, 2015

we have been laying low and fighting off the winter cold that keeps giving and giving. so much coughing and nose-blowing and not sleeping!
just a red-tailed hawk hanging out nextdoor

heart-throb hubby really likes to iron and is teaching his sons to be equally heart-throbby.  he also loves grocery shopping.  how did i get blessed with this man?

curls for choir day.  i remember doing this when i was little.  so fun!

it seems miles spends most of his time rolling around on the floor with owen, just a hitch above gently

sunshine helps body aches

g had his first fever since infancy and hopefully he will wrap this virus up!