Saturday, May 25, 2013

on being 2

two-year olds are such a mess. i really love this age, though it can absolutely be perplexing at times. between the tantrums and poopy accidents, there are some adorable and hilarious moments. i really think their cuteness is God's grace. i talk a lot about marit and graham on here, but miles deserves a little notice as well. this kid cracks me up. he is constantly talking and I understand him about 70% of the time. he seems to think i am always trying to trick him or pull the wool over his eyes and can be quite suspicious at times.

 yesterday we had this convo:
Miles: "i'm hungry"
E: "want a carrot?"
M: "yes!" carrots offered
M : "no, that not carrot! i want a carrot"
E: "these are carrots. would you like one?" offer again
M: "those not carrots!" this exchange repeated about five times and finally
E: "want an apple?"
M: "ok, i eat apple"

he is constantly telling himself that the tomatoes and strawberries in our yard are "not ready be picked yet," but sometimes he forgets to listen to himself and picks a green berry. then he comforts himself by the thought that "daddy will fix it"...because daddy can fix anything.

he has been known to pray for sweet things, like for each family member to poop in the potty...probably knowing how much joy that brings to us when he is successful in this area!

yesterday, our violin teacher let the kids pick some flowers from her huge lantana bush. miles took it seriously. arranging them in the mason jar kept him entertained for at least 30 minutes, while the big kids and i made dinner. he then proceded to sweep the table and floor, insisting he could clean it up himself. and he did not miss a petal. i tried to catch a photo of his tongue sticking out (sign of his intense focus), but he was moving so fast.

i love how half of the flowers are stuffed down inside the water.  isn't it lovely?
i'm so thankful for this silly, sweet boy!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Love this, and love your sweet precious children. Can't believe that guy is TWO!!

And - for the record - you know I tend to agree with what Audrey used to say about 2 y/o's. ;)