Friday, September 20, 2013

songs of joy

have you heard this song? i've been listening to it over and over this week since my brother sang it during our family Sunday worship at the beach. i just love it as it reflects a longing in our hearts for God to help us to be faithful, even in the midst of life's hardships. "all those who sow weeping will go out with songs of joy." today i had a doctor's appointment for our newest little person who is 12 weeks old and thus far healthy and strong. it has been a struggle for me this time around to battle my anxious thoughts, to have open hands, to trust that God's love for me and this little one far exceed even what i can imagine. we pray that this time there won't be weeping (except for the tears of exhaustion!), but we don't know that will be the case. on this side of heaven there is much heartache. we know this. so we give thanks for this new life and pray for healthy pregnancy, for this one to grow to be a warrior for the Kingdom. we will tell the kids tonight. it has been hard to keep it to ourselves through the morning-sickness, but wanted to protect their tender hearts just a little this time.

 there are no illusions in our mind that adding to this craziness will be easy, but we are so thankful and look forward to being a family of six!


Wanting What I Have said...

EEEEEEK!!!! Soooooo happy for you!!! This news makes my day! Praying for y'all and this precious little one! xoxo

Ali said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I say the crazier the better! :)

Kevin and Tara said...

Hurray for making it public! Almost in the 2nd trimester - wonderful! Would love to know how the kids responded. We sure do miss you...