Wednesday, November 10, 2010

new old hymns

as a sleep-deprived mommy of a newborn and two busy toddlers, my time in God's word has been somewhat unpredictable. marit sometimes naps, but it is a rarity and we have been rising early for some reason or another. i am always so thankful for uninterrupted devotional time and personal study of the Bible is irreplaceable, but when i am in the midst of an exhausting day and feeling so weak and spiritually frail, i have been reminded of the importance of singing my remember who i am in Christ, to speak truth to my heart, to allow Jesus to change me with the Gospel. we heard this sermon by kevin twit (10/31) on the reformative power of worship recently and it was so encouraging and convicting. i love, love to of my favorite things to do, but even if it isn't one of your favorite hobbies, we are all called to sing our faith.

all that to say that the hymns, old and new are an incredible wellspring of rich truth, theological principles, real redemptive suffering. i love indelible grace, red mountain, but it has been so long since i bought anything on itunes that i forgot how to do it. yesterday i downloaded sandra mccracken's new album in feast or fallow and let me tell you, it is GOOD. you can listen to all the songs and read a little about each one on the website. the album is a mixture of old hymns with new melodies and new hymns she wrote. it spans a broad range of experience, from simple thanksgiving, to grappling with suffering. here is an acoustic version of the title track.

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